Tuesday, June 30, 2015

It's Hot Out Here

Getting Hot Out Here

I was digging through some old pictures from a shoot last year and found this image. It's interesting how some images don't strike you as interesting or worthwhile the first or even the second pass. For that matter, you might not even consider them at all and tempted to delete them all together, but for some unknown reason, you hold onto them. They're filed away and gobs of new images pile up. You forget about them all together.

Then one day, you take another look and you find something very interesting and striking. That's what happened here. Have my tastes changed over a year? I don't think so. I feel I was probably too tunnel visioned while getting through the culling process that I probably missed a lot. I certainly missed this one.

I happen to like it and I hope you do as well. Stay cool!
