Thursday, July 3, 2014

Maleficent The Magnificent...Not So Much

Movie night. Popcorn, soda, and the hope of a magnificent adventure. Two hours of magic that pulls us away from our every day normal lives and pitches us into a world where anything and everything is possible. We gather like moths to a flame. Huddled in the dark with our favorite movie snacks waiting in anticipation for what's to come. This gets my motor going for sure. I love the movies, the theater, the whole experience! I'm a movie goer with very few prejudices. There's not much that I won't watch. I just love a good story. I go into every film with a sense of excitement and try to have no expectations. Just hope. Tonight, was like any other night. I had high hopes for tonight's choice, Maleficent.

Maleficent didn't quite live up to my hopes. The adventurous beginning got me excited. Disney did just what they do well. They set the scene in an exciting way that started to pull me in. I was ready for something cool. But then it didn't happen. Instead, it began to collapse in on itself like a flan in a cupboard. I'm not totally sure why, but the whole thing just felt suddenly rushed. There were minor consistency issues, which really aren't that bad. But they were there nonetheless. Character development just seemed poor and the overall feel of the film was moreover a bird's eye view of the story. I never felt like I was immersed in the storyline. Usually, Disney can nail that, when they nail it. 

So, I know this review is coming late. Maleficent is yesterday's news with so many other exciting films in and hitting the theaters. But this is just my two cents.

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