Monday, January 26, 2015

Close The Gap

As a creative, I struggle with the reality of whether or not my vision is coming true. I'm focused on the end result almost all of the time. It's a hard thing not to do especially when I know the exact direction I want to go. But somehow, more often than not, I see my finished work as "not quite there yet". There's a very noticeable gap between the work I'm creating and the work I want to be creating. This can be equally inspirational and depressing all at the same time. The result of which can lead me to long periods of not creating anything at all.

I've heard it time and time again that in order to get to where you want to be, you just have to continue to create work. Work hard at your craft. I made the most leaps and bounds in my photographic work when I took on the 365 day challenge a couple years back. I suppose one could compare it to hiking a trail. You'll never reach the end unless you continue to put one foot in front of the other. There's a gap between start and finish that can only be closed by walking on. No matter how many times you might stumble or fall. 

I recently saw this video. It was sent to me by a good friend. Although I've heard this before, I felt like it really struck a cord with me yesterday. Here's to all you creatives that struggle. Create the work, good or bad. Each step brings you closer. Close the gap.


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