Friday, July 31, 2015


If you're a gearhead, prepare yourself. I'm not going to lie, I nearly had a gear-gasm when I saw this announcement. Canon has decided to one-up Sony's a7s, and boy did they ever. The ME20F-SH is Canon's first multi-purpose camera "which delivers exceptionally high sensitivity to capture Full HD video with a minimum subject illumination of less than 0.0005 lux1 (at maximum 75 dB gain setting, equivalent to an ISO sensitivity of over 4,000,000)". Blah, blah, blah. If the tech talk loses you, just know that what this means is that you can shoot 1080p and see subjects that you can't see with the naked eye. That's insane! No, ridonkulous! 

Canon is targeting a large audience with hot little number. This camera could have a place in the infrastructure of productions that range in nighttime surveillance to reality TV, to even cinema. Typically, Canon does a great job delivering when it comes to image quality. So, I'm guessing they won't disappoint here as well.

The sensor is a modified and enhanced version of a 35mm full-frame sensor for HD video they developed back 2013. Get ready for the kicker - it's only 2.26 megapixels! I found this very interesting. It seems everyone has been in this pixel packing race over the last few years and it's nice to see that Sony and Canon are showing us that it's not about the quantity, but the quality and use of those existing pixels. So, it's not about the size, but it is...Take that how you will.

Take a peek at the specs below. Pretty interesting.

Canon says the ME20F-SH will be available in December of 2015 with a whopping $30,000 price tag. I think I'll be renting for sure.

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