Friday, July 24, 2015


Recently I did a post on retouching, and I also recorded a podcast for The Composite Creative, which should be appearing soon, on the subject of retouching. It seems this is such a touchy subject for people, and honestly it cracks me up to hear people trash photoshop's use in retouching beauty images, ads, and fashion campaigns, and yet they have no problem looking at the beauty that's placed before their eyes in films and television. Add to that, they have no issue dressing themselves up for a particular occasion that includes tons of makeup, cloths that give one a slim appearance, and choosing to accentuate certain features....Pot, I'd like you to meet Kettle.

Rousselos Aravantinos recently challenged himself to remove 30 years of age from a middle aged woman in real time. He admits that he's a novice, but I have to say he did a fantastic job. He shot this on a Nikon V1 and did the post processing in Nuke. I have heard of Nuke, but never spent any time with it or educating myself on it.

This kind of thing opens up a whole new can of worms for those trolls on-line.

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