Monday, July 27, 2015


Last night my lady and I went to see the film Trainwreck. Honestly, a positively fun movie, but that's not why I'm writing this post. Over time, more than just trailers have been added to the pre-show entertainment of a film. It's not totally uncommon to see a handful of ads from companies like Coke or Lexus just before the trails are presented.

The usual ads appeared and I was somewhat tempted to not pay attention, but then a very short, yet simply incredible ad appeared from Apple. It was maybe 15 seconds long, and nothing more than a video clip shot on the new iPhone 6 and including the name of the user who shot it. Brilliant! It's probably one of the most inspiring pieces of advertising I've seen in a very long time. Not only that, they looked amazing on the big screen.

Photographers and filmmakers are constantly hung up on the gear. It seems they're always wanting the latest and the greatest. That real work can't be created with anything less "pro" level gear. There are always artists out there that are proving this notion incorrect. These series of ads do just that.

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