Wednesday, August 12, 2015


Here's a kicker. Google is changing their name. No joke.  Yep, our favorite verb is no longer the name of a very forward thinking company. On Monday Google announced that it was changing it's name to Alphabet, a name that encompasses a company that's made up of so many parts. Fear not though, the search engine will remain separate.

So, why the move? Google has become so much more than just a search engine. They are a massive conglomerate that has their hands in everything from drones to pharmaceuticals to even venture capital. Google seems to have their hands in almost everything. And it makes sense. The company is like a mad scientist in his lab dreaming up crazy ideas and then making them real.

The name Alphabet is meant to allow all the separate parts to be independent and develop their own brand. Over the years the world has come to recognize the Google banner as just the search engine. It would be hard for the robotics and artificial intelligence devisions to do that because they may never be consumer oriented. Google's co-founder, Larry Page, wanted an umbrella company that gave the individual parts the freedom to fly.

If you want to take a peek at the company's new site, you won't find it at That site is owned by BMW and as of Monday evening, the site was very slow to load. I'm guessing that was because of all the new traffic. People Googling to find it. You'll have to surf on over to to find the new company site. Also, it would seem that the owner of @alphabet on Twitter is probably receiving a bunch of new friends. Looks like his Monday went very well.

You have to hand it to Google, they like keeping it fresh. And if you don't believe me, you can Alphabet that.

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