Ethan Hunt is back for another installment in the Mission Impossible franchise. This time the IMF has been disbanded which leaves Ethan out in the cold. Soon, a new threat, called The Syndicate, emerges who is determined to lead a new world order through an ever escalating series of terrorist attacks. Faced with his most impossible mission yet, Ethan gathers his team and joins forces with a disavowed British agent who may or may not be a member of the rogue nation, The Syndicate.
Last night, my lady and I decided to catch a flick. I had been wanting to see MI: Rogue Nation. I had such high hopes for this film, I really did. Somehow those hopes were dashed against the rocky shores of disappointment. Okay, maybe not that dramatic, but I was disappointed. I'll live though. To be fair, I haven't slept that much in the last few days because of work. So it's entirely possible that I missed something, but I've got to say that this film dragged in many areas. And it's crazy that it still has a 93% on Rotten Tomatoes! That's partially what got me excited in the first place.
The opening to film was high energy and exciting. Not to mention, a little humor thrown in for good measure. I'm a huge fan of Simon Pegg. This might sound weird, but the opening credit sequence was incredible. I loved all the moving graphics, stylizing, and color choice. It was modern, with a nod in the direction of classic cinema from the '60s and '70s. After this thrilling opening, I was pumped for the rest of the film. Somehow, someway, it just didn't happen.
After the opening, the pace changed quite a bit. It slowed quite a bit. There's a bit of politics thrown in as the IMF is being disbanded because of their unorthodox methods of "getting the job done". During which, Ethan has been captured and is fighting to escape. With the help of Ilsa, a disavowed British agent, he manages to do just that, but soon after discovers that he's on his own. The government has shut down the IMF.
The rest of the film seems to be about who outsmarted whom and who planned it that way. It all felt kind of mellow dramatic. Ethan does one thing because he knows Solomon Lane, the head of the very beast (The Syndicate), is going to do another. But then you find out that Solomon did that particular thing because he was playing Ethan and knew he would think he was going to do that thing so he did it anyway to play into his trap...Oi! Confused? It was like the scene from The Princess Bride in which Vizzini and Westley are having a battle of whits. Only, there was no awesome, funny, cleaver dialogue in Rogue Nation. It became a bit tiring. In truth, I was yawning.
Some of the action sequences were fun. The motorcycle scene particularly sticks out. It was adrenaline pumping. The ending was somewhat uplifting. Tom did seem a bit haggard and tired throughout most of the film. Almost as if he had aged out of this kind of flick. That being said, Tom did a decent job in this one. I liked him in it, and I'm not a huge Tom fan at that.
So see the film. It's not horrible. I thought it was kind of...Meh. It didn't completely put me to sleep, but then again, I went in already tired.
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