Friday, May 20, 2016

Hilarious Take On Why Some Tutorials Are Annoying

The internet is loaded with a wealth of tutorials in almost any field. And so much of that information can be had for free. That’s the beauty of it. Unfortunately, that’s also the pitfall. Not all tutorials are created equal.

If you’re like me, you’ve proably gathered a large chunk of your post production knowledge from video tutorials found somewhere on the web. Some are long. Some are short and sweet. In this fast paced world, most of our time is taken up with so many other tasks. Our time is a precious resource. That pressure can lead you to want to find an answer right away. So fuss. No fluff.  Just give it to me straight. Unfortunately, that is not always the case. We scrub through the video in hopes of finding the right moment, the magical spot, that will give us the answer. The struggle is real, folks. I couldn’t help but chuckle at this video. It perfectly captures what it’s like to suffer through some of the worst videos out there while you’re waiting for the answer to that one burning question.

Hilarious Take On Why Some Tutorials Are Annoying

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